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Rilee elected chair of Gloucester board

The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors elected a new chair and vice chair during its organizational meeting Tuesday night in the colonial courthouse.

Abingdon district supervisor Christian "Buddy" Rilee became the new chair of the governing body on a 5-2 vote and York district supervisor Carter Borden became the new vice chair on a 6-1 vote.

"Those of you who voted for me, I appreciate it," Rilee said. "Those who didn’t, that’s OK, too … It’s not about us. It’s about the citizens out there."

When nominations for chair were opened, Gloucester Point district supervisor Bobby Crewe nominated Ware district supervisor Gregory Woodard and At-large supervisor Louise Theberge nominated Rilee.

Woodard’s nomination failed by a 3-4 margin, with Rilee, Theberge, Borden and Petsworth district supervisor John Northstein voting against.

Rilee’s nomination received support from Woodard, Theberge, Northstein and B...

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