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Reviving the Bay 1

Virginia Marine Resources Commission is taking public comment on the establishment of "opportunity zones" where oysters and clams may be raised in cages. Nine of the 15 proposed zones are in local waters.

These zones include four in Gloucester County, located in the Severn River (one area of 27.81 acres) and Ware River (three areas of 26.8, 35.7 and 26.8 acres)

Also proposed to be set aside for the aquaculture are five Mathews County areas. Two are in North River, 15.18 and 32.9 acres; and three are in East River, of 11.56, 11.97, and 7.90 acres.

The remaining zones, according to a public notice published in the Gazette-Journal, are in Middlesex, Lancaster, and Accomack counties.

John Bull, public relations officer for VMRC, said the zones will set aside more than 1,000 acres of public, state-owned water bottoms for aquaculture. Enabling legislation for this effort to revive the oyster industry, and at the same time to benefit from the shellfish’s powerful wat...

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