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Renovations ongoing as Chandler’s Firearms opens

Eric Chandler, owner of Chandler’s Firearms and Estates, recently opened his business on 2 South Main Street in Kilmarnock. The building that houses his business was originally built in 1910 and belonged to the Eubank brothers, where they operated a hardware store. Later, it was subdivided and became People’s Drug and Adam’s Jewelers.Chandler has been working on the renovations to his business since January. The left side of his business has been completed and he is currently working on the finishing touches of the right side. When that side is completed, it will house firearm accessories and apparel.The now-completed left side of the building is composed of what used to be People’s Drug and is connected by what used to be the post office on the left side of the building, which was done prior to his owning it.“Somebody brought the property and decided to combine the buildings and so they took this wall out and they put a little short roof right here to connect it,” he said.Chandler als...

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