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Recital to be held Sunday to dedicate pipe organ

A recital will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday in Historic Christ Church, Weems, to dedicate a pipe organ recently constructed and installed there. The recital is open to the public at no charge.
Constructed by Taylor & Boody Organbuilders, Staunton, the new instrument consists of one manual, five stops, and seven stop levers, with a case of black walnut. It was donated by church supporter Miriam MacCarthy.
Robert Teagle, director of the Historic Christ Church Foundation, said the donor is a long-time volunteer with the foundation and a member of Grace Episcopal Church, Kilmarnock. “She worked with Taylor & Boody on the organ design and donated the funds for it in memory of her mother and brother,” Teagle said.
Teagle said the organ will be used both for religious services inside Christ Church and special events.
A National Historic Landmark, Christ Church, is in near-original condition and “is one of America’s great buildings,” said a website about the structure. It was commissioned ...

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