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Quilt exhibit debuts Oct. 5

A special quilting exhibit, “Threads of Our History: Quilts of Mathews Virginia,” will open at the Mathews Museum on Oct. 5 and will remain on exhibit through the end of December.
The quilts are from a private collection of an old Mathews family, going back over a century, a release said. The quilts reflect their utilitarian use in a geographic area that was fairly isolated until the 1950s. They honor a southern tradition of quilting when scraps of fabric or clothing were used to make bedding when needed.
Southern quilts have their own identity, with their use of color, size of pieces, and choice of fabric, which was primarily cotton and feed bags, the release said.
Owners of the collection are Mathews residents Jay Black, a financial advisor with Davenport & Co., and his wife, Lori Jackson Black, a genealogist and historian, who said they are pleased to be able to share this treasured collection with the public at the upcoming special exhibit.
“These quilts represent the life of P...

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