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Public comments flood school board meeting

The Gloucester School Board listened to a slew of public comments at its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night in the T.C. Walker auditorium.
Brian DiGiovine, former math special education teacher at Peasley Middle School, took to the podium first.
“Parents here tonight are looking for a resolution to their problems, not to be told that they need to speak to administrative directors or the next person,” said DiGiovine. “They have reached out to these individuals only to be told that the situation has been handled when there is no proof to back this up. Parents should not be told that they’re wrong for sticking up for their children, that they should be told there is nothing the school can do and they’re unable to provide services for their students with disabilities.”
DiGiovine spoke about Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) not being followed by teachers and administration, as well as the problem of bullying in the schools. These concerns were echoed by several parents.
Emily Sco...

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