Spring will arrive in about two weeks, and gardeners are ready to get back to work cleaning up winter debris and preparing the beds. It is time for a quick review from one of my old nursing lectures on how to use your muscles safely to prevent back or joint injury.
Body mechanics refers to the way we use body alignment, posture, and balance to produce safe and efficient movement when we are bending, lifting, and moving. Most of us want to work with our backs, but we should be using the large, strong muscles in our legs and arms, particularly when lifting heavy loads or moving large objects. Bad habits develop when we are young and strong. As we grow older, we bend over at the waist to weed; we lift bags of mulch or compost using our backs; and we twist too far to one side to reach an item on a potting shed shelf.
Most people will suffer at least one episode of low back pain during their lives. If you injure your back, do not hesitate to see your physician to rule out anything more seri...
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