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Presentation on Gen. Lane to be given June 13

Dr. John A. Coulter II will give a public presentation titled, “General James Henry Lane: Soldier and Educator” on Thursday, June 13. He will speak at 7 p.m. at Mathews Memorial Library, 251 Main Street, Mathews.
Gen. Lane (1833-1907), a Mathews County native, was the youngest general in the Army of Northern Virginia. After graduating from the Virginia Military Institute, he received a master’s degree from the University of Virginia and worked at six military schools before and after the Civil War. He was commander of the brigade that became known as “Lee’s Immortals” and is considered the Father of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets.
Lt. Col. Coulter (U.S. Army-ret.) served for 23 years and saw action during the Gulf War and in the Afghanistan campaigns. Upon retiring from the military, he was employed as president of Lyman Ward Military Academy, the Commander of Cadets at Texas Military Institute, and the Assistant Commandant of Cadets at Virginia Tech. Coulter holds a Bachelor of Sci...

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