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Pound cakes: Favorites from winning bakers

“How do you find the people to write about every week?” It is a question often asked of this writer.
Well, it has been an interesting journey which continues today. Recently, for example, I was leaving the post office when a lady stepped out of her car and asked (using the term we) “wonder if you are going to print the recipes from the May Faire cake contest?’ I replied that I did not have the recipes but to let me see what I can do.
Ten cakes were entered in the annual pound cake contest. A new system of judging was established with categories for Traditional and Creative, thus making six winners. The following are the recipes and methods from four of the winners.
Deb Woodward, Traditional cake third-place winner: “I honestly can’t remember where I got this recipe but believe it was from a church cookbook long time ago. I have been using it for many years.” Her cake has been all over the world. First when her son was in college in Florida, and later when he was a member of the Armed F...

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