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Popcorn: everyone’s favorite, At once-upon-a-time drive-ins or at home

What better time than now to say to your family or just to yourself, “let’s go to the movies!” Well, we know that most public movie outlets are not in operation at present but with a little effort you can recreate your own theater.
If you are from the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s era, your memories of drive-in theaters will surely arise. In summers, families piled in the family sedan, drove a short distance and watched movies together and didn’t have to get dressed-up. A good definition of drive-ins: “A car, a movie, some popcorn and thou.”
So pop some popcorn, turn the TV on, sit back in your favorite chair, relax and you will immediately think you are in the most comfortable theater in the world and you didn’t have to get dressed-up, or dressed.
The younger generation probably never heard about those good old times if when you didn’t particularly like the movie being featured but found fun in walking over to the concession stand, getting a drink, some popcorn and hopefully find someone you kn...

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