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Point ladies visit a submarine

100 YEARS AGOThursday, April 28, 1921from the Gloucester Gazette
Mrs. Wyndham Clopton, of Gloucester Point, and Mrs. William Clopton, of Gloucester, were delightfully entertained on Wednesday evening by Captain Hart and Lieut. Green, aboard the submarine SKG. After the visit to the submarine they were entertained at a charming dance at the submarine station, Yorktown. Refreshments were served after the dance.
from the Mathews Journal
Misses Naomi and Virginia Hudgins, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton R. Hudgins, celebrated their twelfth and seventh birthday on Saturday afternoon, April 16, by entertaining a host of their little friends. Many games were played and dainty refreshments served which, with music, helped to gladden the hearts of those little friends.
The little hostesses were presented with many pretty and attractive gifts from their little friends. They were assisted in receiving and serving the little guests by their mother, Mrs. C.R. Hudgins, and aunt, Mrs. J. Edna Armis...

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