Celebrating the life, legend and legacy of Pocahontas and Virginia’s Indian tribes the 2019 Pocahontas Festival will be held on Nov. 16-17 along Gloucester’s Main Street.
This year’s festival happens to fall on the 25th anniversary of the first Pocahontas Festival in Gloucester (when the Pocahontas statue was dedicated) and is expected to become an annual event.
According to assistant county administrator Carol Steele, several organizations including Gloucester’s Parks, Recreation and Tourism department and the Gloucester Historical Society are spearheading the effort. It is part of the larger-scale Pocahontas Project, which is aimed at educating the public about the legacy of Pocahontas and her example of changing the future course of world events.
The first day of the local festival will include a progressive tour along Gloucester’s Main Street, with stops scheduled from the Pocahontas statue to the mural painted alongside the Gloucester Main Library. Fr...
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