The Gloucester Planning Commission approved a list of recommendations about high-speed broadband internet service in the county during a meeting last Thursday night in the colonial courthouse.
The commission had been given until January 2011 to forward its recommendations to the Gloucester Board of Supervisors. If supervisors decide a broadband ordinance is needed, the matter will be sent back to the commission.
The commission had set up a broadband committee that has discussed the matter and the commission also discussed the matter at its regular meeting in early October.
Planning director Anne Ducey-Ortiz suggested that poles for broadband use be allowed by right in all zoning districts except for single family (SF-1). In SF-1, Ducey-Ortiz recommended, such poles might be allowed with a special exception.
Also, the commissioners agreed with the staff recommendation that all zoning and building permits be required and that broadband poles fall within setback requirements.
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