The Gloucester Planning Commission will meet tonight in the colonial courthouse on Main Street at 7 o’clock to review updates on the zoning ordinance, the comprehensive plan and the Glenns rezoning.
The zoning ordinance update will include a presentation by staff who will discuss home occupation regulations pertaining to processes that will help ensure lots greater than or equal to five acres in the RC-1, RC-2, C-2, and SC-1 districts, which have the by-right ability to have outside storage and/or operations, provide the required screening for these structures.
Staff will also review proposed changes to the zoning ordinance rewrite with the commission. These include changes and additions to general definitions, use definitions, district regulations and supplementary use regulations.
Comprehensive plan
During the commission’s February meeting, staff presented proposed criteria to be used for public utilities and public service corporations when the commission evaluates these uses for co...
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