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Planners to hold zoning ordinance hearing tonight

The Gloucester County Planning Commission is holding a public hearing on the proposed zoning ordinance update at 7 o’clock tonight, Thursday, July 11, in the colonial courthouse. Every property owner in the county was sent a notification letter about the zoning ordinance update, which also provided the time, date and location of tonight’s public hearing.
The zoning ordinance update has been a four-year work-in-progress that aims to relax regulations and make the document “easier for people to use,” according to Planning, Zoning & Environmental Programs Director Anne Ducey-Ortiz, AICP.
The new proposed document is designed to be easily readable by realtors, developers and property owners. The zoning ordinance has been reformatted and every use is now defined for clarity.
“Not a lot has changed,” said Ducey-Ortiz.
The biggest proposed change is in the Business-2 (B-2) district. If approved, the rewrite will allow up to eight dwelling units per acre in the B-2 Village Business Distric...

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