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Planners to consider small-scale manufacturing change

The Gloucester Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a proposed code amendment addressing small-scale manufacturing at its February meeting which begins at 7 o’clock tonight in the colonial courthouse.
According to staff documents, the proposed changes to the zoning ordinance would allow “new uses including craft manufacturing and micro beverage production establishments as permitted uses in the B-1, B-2 and I-1 districts. The changes would allow manufacturing as a permitted use in B-1, instead of a Special Exception as it currently is permitted” and would “also add the new use food and beverage manufacturing as a permitted use in the B-1 and I-1 districts.”
The commission will also consider revisions to its Rules of Procedure at the February meeting. Revisions to the Rules of Procedure include rescheduling Planning Commission meetings to the second Thursday of the month if the original meeting date falls on a legal holiday and allowing the Dir...

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