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Planners recommend small-scale manufacturing changes

The Gloucester Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend a code amendment allowing small-scale manufacturing as a by-right use in the county’s business and industrial zoning districts at its February meeting, which was last Thursday night in the colonial courthouse.
The proposed changes to the zoning ordinance will allow “new uses including craft manufacturing and micro beverage production establishments as permitted uses in the B-1, B-2 and I-1 districts. The changes would allow manufacturing as a permitted use in B-1, instead of a Special Exception as it currently is permitted” and would “also add the new use food and beverage manufacturing as a permitted use in the B-1 and I-1 districts,” according to staff documents.
Changes required for the zoning ordinance include modifying the Table of Permitted Uses for B-1, B-2 and I-1 and modifying parking requirements.
The proposed change will now be forwarded to county supervisors for their considerati...

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