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Planners recommend denial of solar farms

The Mathews County Planning Commission resoundingly rejected two applications for conditional use permits for solar farms during Tuesday night’s meeting, held in the historic courthouse.
The first application, located on 52.6 acres belonging to the Garrett family at Hudgins and listed under a business trust, WLGEPG Valley View, was rejected unanimously by the commission, with member Donald Morgan absent.
The second parcel, belonging to Robert and Judy Gayle and abutting both John Clayton Memorial Highway and Church Street, was denied on a 5-0 vote, with member Frances Minor abstaining because of a personal relationship with the applicants.
During presentation of the project, planning and zoning staff member Lynn Edwards recommended denial based on challenges the county faces that she said make it unsuitable for utility-scale solar facilities. She said there are extensive areas of poorly-drained soils, along with floodplains, wetlands, and Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act buffers that li...

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