To celebrate 10 years of supporting young artists in Gloucester County, the Phoenix Art Group is awarding $1,500 scholarships each to two seniors from Gloucester County who wish to continue their art studies at the college level, Molly Vaughan and Anna Bowden.
Vaughan, who graduates from Gloucester High School this year with a 3.71 GPA, was a standout member of the school’s field hockey team, a member of numerous high school honor societies, as well as volunteering in the Gloucester community. She will be attending Radford University in the fall where she plans to major in art education with a minor in graphic design. Art teacher Jeff Helm at Abingdon Elementary School inspired her to follow the teaching profession.
Bowden, who graduated this year from Christchurch School, was awarded the Top Raising Art Student Award. She was accepted at Moore College of Art and Design, The Art Institute of Chicago, the Savannah College of Art and Design and Virginia Commonwealth University. She...
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