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Personnel appointments approved by Gloucester School Board

The Gloucester School Board made several personnel appointments during its June 14 monthly meeting at the T.C. Walker Education Center.
Deona Pavik of Mathews was appointed to an administrative associate position at Page Middle School, effective June 15 and Lori McDonald of Ark was appointed to an administrative associate position for special education services, effective June 20.
For the 2022-2023 school year, several appointments were made. Jennifer Barberree of Gloucester was appointed to a first grade teaching position at Petsworth Elementary School, effective Aug. 15; Mimma Catalini of Gloucester was appointed to a special education position at Petsworh, effective Aug. 15; Timothy Extine of Moon was appointed to a technology education teaching position at Gloucester High School, effective Aug. 1; Alicia Hahn of Gloucester Point was appointed to a grade three teaching position at Achilles Elementary School, effective Aug. 15; Kelsey Hicks of Henrico was appointed to a school counse...

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