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Personal signs not allowed on utility poles, other property

Gloucester is advising residents and others that they are not allowed to place personal signs on utility poles and other property.
According to a release from the county, there have been a growing number of signs placed on utility poles throughout Gloucester.
According to Virginia State Code, placing signs and advertisements within the limits of the highway is prohibited. The Virginia Department of Transportation is authorized to remove any sign that is in violation of state code, especially if it interferes with roadside maintenance or presents a safety hazard to motorists.
VDOT can also levy a $100 civil penalty for each sign violation. VDOT works with localities and the Adopt-A-Highway program to enforce this law. For specific information on VDOT regulations, visit
Although most permanent signs require a zoning permit from the county, there are many signs, especially temporary ones, which are exempt from a permit provided the...

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