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Peasley principal Hartley named to central office job

Peasley Middle School principal Bryan Hartley was appointed to the position of student services director by the Gloucester County School Board during its July 8 meeting. He replaces Rita Cargill-Brown, who retired.
The board also appointed Gloucester High School assistant principal Roger “Butch” Gross as the assistant principal at Page Middle School and Mary Beth Preas of Williamsburg as the assistant principal at Abingdon Elementary.
The following persons were appointed to teaching positions for the upcoming school year: Amy Weigartz of Gloucester; Sarah Alexander of Gloucester Point; Allyson Alligood and Renee Arnold of Hayes; Britinie Jordan of Saluda; A. Blair Jarrell of Shacklefords.
Also, Amy Daniel of Deltaville; Kristen Turner and Megan Coulbourne of Yorktown; Meghan Davis and Christy Flinchum of Williamsburg; Dennis Jagoda of Moneta; Ashley Starks of Newport News; and Vicki Satterwhite of Virginia Beach.
Alvin Coleman of Chesapeake was appointed as a mathematics sp...

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