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Pear pie, and other favorites, from a great-grandmother

Annie Bell Billups, a native of Mathews, moved to Gloucester 60-plus years ago, having met and married Samuel Paige Jr. The couple reared five girls who surely learned a great deal of cooking from their mother. Today Annie Bell is quick to state, “I have more great-grandchildren than I have grandchildren.”
Annie Bell is one of nine siblings. “I learned to cook from my mother but we never did any cooking. She always did all of that.” Annie Bell learned well and has been sharing her cooking with her family and church family for many, many years. At age 86, she still loves sharing her special dishes and many recipes that she has created and developed herself.
For instance, one of her grandchildren asked if she could fry cauliflower the same way she fried chicken. Without a moment’s hesitation, Grandmother obliged. Now it’s a favorite food. “It really is good.” Then one day Annie Bell was saying to herself, “Why can’t I make a pear pie just as you do an apple pie?” Then she did.
“I cook wi...

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