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Participants sought for Young Adult Survey

Are you 18 to 25 years old and living in the Middle Peninsula/Northern Neck region? If so, you’re invited to take part in the Virginia Young Adult Survey.
The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services, Office of Behavioral Health and Wellness wants to hear about young people’s experiences and opinions regarding substance abuse and mental health in the community. Results of the survey will be used to help the agency develop health and wellness programming.
This is a statewide survey that is collecting data at a local level. The survey is completely anonymous and will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
To access the survey, text “Virginia” to 855-632-2201. You will receive a message with a link that you can open directly from your phone or copy to a web browser.
The Prevention, Health and Wellness Division of the Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board will provide a $25 incentive gift card to thank participants for their time. You may n...

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