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Oyster Seed Holdings offers tours of G.I. facility

Oysters are definitely a local delicacy. But did you ever wonder about how they made it on your plate? Then you may be interested in taking a behind-the-scenes tour of a Gwynn’s Island facility—and also enjoy a tasty sample or two.
Oyster Seed Holdings, Inc., is a hatchery-specific company on the “growing edge” of shellfish culture, bent on driving forward hatchery technology and ensuring steady supply of premier quality oyster larvae and seed to farms.
Every other Friday evening, OSH opens its doors to the public for a hatchery tour and tasting, offering a chance to see what it takes to put oyster seed in the hands of aquaculture farmers.
They have a tour guide to take the guests through the facilities. On a recent Friday, the tour was led Samantha Glover, who is the Research and Development Manager at Oyster Seed Holdings. The first part of the tour is of the broodstock room, where they condition the adult oysters. These oysters within the facility were donated by the Virginia Instit...

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