Dominion Energy donated $5,000 to the Gloucester Montessori School to aid in the construction of an outdoor classroom for the students. Crystal Bright, External Affairs Representative for Dominion, at far left, presented the check to students and staff on Friday. On hand to receive the gift were, front row from left, students Brice Magee, Addie Congrove, Aaron Brown, Evie Kessel, Charlotte Herlong, Lincoln Blizzard, Samuel Coggeshall, Luna VanEsdonk, Kirk Hall; second row, Emmett Helbig, Ella-Rose Kemnitz, Cora Congrove, Olivia Harrison; third row, Mary-Catherine Bellflower, Andrew Brown and Linwood Blizzard III and, back row, Lower Elementary Directress Patricia Landau, Interim Head of School Michelle Colby and Upper Elementary Directress Sandra Beamer.
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