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pet page GMHS Spay/Neuter saves lives (2/19/2025) - Did you know that February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month? Spay/Neuter Awareness Month was established to address the issue of pet overpopulation and reduce the number of homeless animals. Spay and…
all about pets humane education GMHS provides humane education to the community (2/19/2025) - After beginning her career at the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society in September 2022 as a member of the adoption team, Voula Douglerakis has transitioned into the role of community coordinator to…
all about pets Sponsor a shelter pet (1/16/2025) - Sponsor an ad in our March 6 All About Pets special section to help a homeless animal find a forever home. If you have a pet, we can include a…
pets gmhs pet pantry GMHS Pet Pantry here to help (1/15/2025) - “There’s a lot of confusion on how the Pet Pantry works.” The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society’s Pet Pantry is a community service operated by the shelter that provides individuals and families…
pet page GMHS January is National Walk Your Dog Month (1/15/2025) - January is National Walk Your Dog Month. Did you know there are several benefits to walking your dog—not just for your pup, but for dog owners too? It is the…
pets franktronics donation Holiday giving (1/15/2025) - Franktronics, Gloucester Point, collected monetary donations during its annual Holiday Light Show for the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society’s Fixin’ to Save Spay & Neuter Clinic, which is located in the White…
pet page GMHS Spoil a homeless pet this holiday (12/18/2024) - ’Tis the season to spoil our pets! Let’s be honest: all of our four-legged friends are on Santa’s nice list and deserve some extra love this year. Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society…
Christmas Day for the Dogs collection underway (12/18/2024) - Gloucester County Public Schools is collecting donations for the Gloucester County Animal Control shelter through Friday. Items needed include dog food, dog treats, collars, leashes, toys, flea treatment and blankets,…
mathews santa Frank the Pekingese Frank’s Christmas wish (12/18/2024) - Not everybody visiting Santa Claus on Saturday in Mathews came in on two legs. Frank the Pekingese was one of the first in line when Santa came to the Mathews…
GMHS Holiday Open House and Bake Sale the Allens GMHS Holiday Open House (12/18/2024) - The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society held its Holiday Open House and Bake Sale on Sunday, Dec. 8. Visitors made holiday crafts, met the shelter pets and indulged in the goodies at…
pets gmhs oyster roast Oyster roast (11/20/2024) - The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society held its annual Oyster Roast & BBQ, “Shuckin’ for Shelter,” on Oct. 26 at Little England Farm in Hayes, where a little over $100,000 was raised…
How to approach cat care while pregnant (11/20/2024) - (METRO) Pregnant women receive a lot of advice while they’re with child. Much of that guidance comes from their physicians and is offered in an effort to ensure expecting mothers…
October is Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month (10/16/2024) - October is Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month, and we want to encourage you to spend some time this month spreading the word and educating your friends and family about the importance of adopting…
pet page GMHS September is Happy Cat Month (9/18/2024) - Did you know September is Happy Cat Month? This pet holiday focuses on meeting the physical and mental needs of companion cats. Despite the myths, cats need regular care just…
pet page pantry GMHS food pantry running low (9/18/2024) - The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society announced Monday that its pet food pantry shelves are running low on stock and has asked the community to help replenish the shelves. For those who…
pets gmhs dog days left Dog days (9/18/2024) - The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society has plenty of dogs ready to snuggle up. Above Animal Care Specialist Michelle Harris takes a break to cuddle with six-year-old Socrates. Below, Highway to Home…
Feline behaviors examined in latest Old Farmers’ Almanac (9/18/2024) - “Some behaviors may seem baffling to us humans even though they make purr-fect sense to our kitty counterparts,” says The Old Farmers’ Almanac in its 2025 edition, which is now…
Help us clear the shelters (8/14/2024) - Do you long to adopt all the homeless pets that need forever homes? We feel the same way, and the time is here to show a little love to your…
are you prepared pet parent What you need to know when becoming a new pet ‘pawrent’ (7/24/2024) - Getting a new pet is always exciting and nerve-wracking, especially for those first-time pet parents, or “pawrents.” The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society is full of sound tips to help new pet…
How to protect your pets in the event of a fire (7/24/2024) - Pets are often considered part of the family, but their safety can sometimes be overlooked in emergency planning. As a pet owner, ensuring the safety of your pets during a…
July is Lost Pet Prevention Month (7/17/2024) - One in every three pets will go missing during their lifetime. Pets are family, so it can be devastating if they are lost. July is Lost Pet Prevention Month, so…
Pets in need (7/17/2024) - Every month the Abingdon Ruritan Club collects food for a needy cause. The June meeting targeted food for favorite pets in need, and collected 75 pounds of pet food from…
No-Kill Shelter Award (7/17/2024) - For the second consecutive year, Gloucester’s Animal Control Department received a No-Kill Shelter Award by Best Friends Animal Society. The award recognizes the fact that the department maintained no-kill status…
GMHS donation (7/17/2024) - Abingdon Ruritan Club recently made a $1,000 donation to the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society. Ernestine Brown, center, Front Desk Receptionist, accepted the check from Mary Lou and Danny Privott from the…
pets gmhs kitten season 1 Nearly 200 kittens in GMHS care (6/18/2024) - “Since January 1st we have ‘intaked’ 446 kittens.” The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society has had an explosive kitten season this year with nearly 200 kittens in its current care, both at…

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