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Letter: Good Will Ambassadors (7/19/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The good people of the Hayes community lost two Good Will Ambassadors last month—Ralph Taylor and Richard Whiteheart. Their presence will be sorely missed. Many people did not…
Letter: Do the research (7/19/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I have given considerable thought to the need for a response to the accusations towards and assumptions being made about our organization, Mathews Citizens for the Common Good.…
Letter: Our values are being destroyed (7/19/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: For those who are not informed this is what is happening in our schools today. Critical Race Theory is being taught in our schools: white and black conservative…
Editorial: Safer (7/12/2023) - Half a century ago, public ridicule was being heaped upon an inoffensive fish, the snail darter. This little fresh-water swimmer was listed as endangered under the brand-new U.S. Endangered Species…
Letter: Consequences (7/12/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: An article in the June 22 issue (“School board requests capital funds for MHS boiler replacement”) is instructive about the impact on Mathews schools from the level funding…
Letter: You’ve lost me (7/12/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: This letter is to the Mathews Citizens for the Common Good. You are supporting some good people, but you’ve lost me and I suspect others. I made several…
Editorial: Do your part (7/5/2023) - While presidential elections get all the attention—and the voter turnout—local elections like the one coming up this November often play a bigger role in residents’ everyday lives. The services we…
Editorial: The campaign; your letters (7/5/2023) - The campaign for the Nov. 7 General Election is just about to begin. In fact, endorsements are already being issued, and letters backing candidates have already been coming in to…
Letter: Broken-hearted decision (7/5/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Thank you and deep appreciation to those that signed my petition, supported, prayed, and spoke words of encouragement and praise of my work. At the last minute and…
Letter: The chosen ones (7/5/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Well, Mathews Citizens for the Common Good are at it again. The objective of this movement is right out of the Marxist playbook. It appears they are liberal…
Letter: Saving our democracy (7/5/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: How and why did our country become so divided? This is no accident and many Americans have no idea how our democracy is being manipulated. This has been…
Letter: Blessed by citizens’ generosity (6/28/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: There are so many wonderful citizens in Mathews County and I have been the fortunate recipient of their acts of kindness for many years. As most of you…
Letter: Hope this type of concert will be repeated (6/28/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: “A Celebration of British Music” was held at Kingston Parish Episcopal Chapel last Sunday afternoon, featuring three local organists, a 30-voice volunteer choir, and a surprise performance by…
Letter: A Sunday afternoon to remember (6/28/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I wanted to take a moment to add a short PS to Mary Ann Carr’s thoughtful letter of appreciation for Sunday’s Organ Concert at Kingston Parish, expressing my…
Letter: Supporting Canine Companions (6/28/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I would like to thank those who attended with their four-legged friends, donors, vendors and sponsors for making our first Gone To The Dogs event successful. Next-Home Coast…
Lettter: The rule of law is still alive (6/28/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: In the editorial “Lower the temperature,” you raised issues that naturally raise temperatures. Voters strongly disagree about many things. Some of us even back opposing candidates for identical…
Letter: Opinions on the news (6/28/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I appreciate the review provided by Michael Beavers in last week’s paper (“Thoughts on recent letters,” June 22 Readers Write). Mr. Beavers’ opinions are relevant to the myriad…
Letter: We cannot let that happen (6/28/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The subject letters “Not becoming” and “What constitutional authority?” (June 22 Readers Write) were written in response to my recent comments in this column. One of the writers…
Letter: A glorious day (6/28/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Sunday, June 11, was a blessed day, with a sermon, “Fully Devoted Christ Followers” and asking Pastor Chris to pray for my brother and nephew. Around 12:30 we…
Editorial: Lower the temperature (6/21/2023) - Tensions seem to be excessively high lately, with people quick to take offense over perceived slights/attacks as everyone appears to be on edge. Perhaps it’s just the beginnings of a…
Letter: Thoughts on recent letters (6/21/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: In the June 8 letters to the editor, I found a trio of interesting approaches to a subject. The first, “Promoting the general welfare” by Rob Quartel is…
Letter: Land of opportunity (6/21/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: When I opened the Letters section of the Gazette last Wednesday and read the responses to my letter from the week before, I couldn’t suppress my laughter. One…
Letter: Not becoming (6/21/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal:This letter is written in response to Randy Burak’s letter in the June 15 Readers Write. I do not berate members. I simply quote back to them what they…
Letter: What constitutional authority? (6/21/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: In his letter (“A response,” June 15 Readers Write), Randy Burak did not include a prior incident with Dianne Jones following another school board meeting where I witnessed…
Letter: Her parents’ examples (6/21/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As a young child in the ’50s, growing up in small town America, I was known as the curly, red-headed “Lee Lee.” I had three siblings and a…

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