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Mathews News

Wide range of topics covered at school board town hall (2/26/2025) - A wide range of topics—including everything from retention and promotion of students in grade levels and concerns about lowering standards for student achievement to how eighth graders are adjusting to…
Meals on Wheels (2/26/2025) - Siblings Lyman Hayes and Carter Hayes, from left, helped their grandmother with delivery of Meals on Wheels in Mathews last Wednesday before the snowstorm. Meals on Wheels sent two meals…
Grant available for G.I. homeowners with failing septic systems (2/26/2025) - The Mathews Community Foundation has awarded the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission $9,000 to assist low-income homeowners on Gwynn’s Island with repair or replacement of their failing septic systems. According…
mathews library friends little free library Little Free Libraries (2/26/2025) - The Friends of the Mathews Memorial Library has sponsored the installation of two Little Free Library boxes—one in front of the group’s bookstore on Maple Avenue behind the library and…
mathews rotary charter night 2 Mathews Rotary holds Charter Night program (2/26/2025) - The Mathews Rotary Club held its annual Charter Night on Saturday night with a prime rib dinner at the Mathews Yacht Club. Charter Night celebrates the founding of Rotary International…
Dine to Donate next Thursday at Howard-Dooley Café (2/26/2025) - The Gwynn’s Island Civic League Foundation will host its first Dine to Donate of 2025 next Thursday, March 6, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Howard-Dooley Café, 9303 Buckley…
Mathews Museum to hold corned beef and cabbage dinner (2/26/2025) - The Gwynn’s Island Civic League Foundation will host its first Dine to Donate of 2025 next Thursday, March 6, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Howard-Dooley Café, 9303 Buckley…
mathews chili Chili When It’s Chilly (2/26/2025) - The West Mathews Community League held its annual Chili When It’s Chilly fundraiser on Saturday at the league building in Bohannon. People had their pick of a number of different…
1a snow 1 Digging out (2/26/2025) - Last week’s snowstorm caused school cancellations and other disruptions, as the area experienced accumulations of about a half a foot of the white stuff. Helping to dig out from the…
Hearing set to amend Mathews County budget (2/26/2025) - The Mathews Board of Supervisors has scheduled a public hearing for 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, to consider adding $863,321 to the current budget that would allow the county…
Dual party primary to be held June 17 (2/26/2025) - Preparations are underway for a June 17 dual party primary in Virginia, featuring candidates for governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general, as well as Virginia House of Delegates’ seats and…
School board adopts FY26 budget (2/19/2025) - The Mathews County School Board, at its meeting Tuesday night at Thomas Hunter Middle School, adopted its proposed FY26 budget, a budget that calls for a 5 percent pay increase…
mathews james brown 1 James Brown finds his way home after five months (2/19/2025) - “We kind of gave up hope because it had been five months.” After nearly half a year, Lauren and Allen McBurney thought their missing cat, James Brown, was gone for…
Supervisors’ meeting postponed until Feb. 27 (2/19/2025) - The Mathews County Board of Supervisors’ monthly meeting, originally scheduled for tonight, has been postponed until the following Thursday, Feb. 27, at 6 p.m. in the historic courthouse on Court…
mathews national day of protest 1 National actions, local impacts outlined (2/19/2025) - Around five dozen people showed up Monday for a local version of the National Day of Protest on President’s Day, held at Liberty Square in Mathews County. The group in…
mathews central village homemakers Central Village Homemakers (2/19/2025) - Mathews Sheriff April Edwards was guest speaker at the Feb. 5 meeting of the Central Village Homemakers at Central United Methodist Church. Edwards made members aware of all the current…
mathews boat virginia Boat Virginia class to be held on March 29 (2/19/2025) - U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 66 instructors will conduct a free Boat Virginia class from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 29. The class will be held at…
Chili When It’s Chilly to be held Saturday (2/19/2025) - Chili When It’s Chilly, an annual fundraiser of the West Mathews Community League, will be held from 4-6 p.m. Saturday at the league building, the 1913 former Peninsula Schoolhouse, at…
MVFD responds to 6 accidents in 2 hours during storm (2/19/2025) - The Mathews County Volunteer Fire Department responded to six vehicle accidents in the space of two hours during last Tuesday’s snowstorm. Four of those accidents required the response of fire…
other news valentines for vets Valentines for veterans (2/12/2025) - The Mathews County Woman’s Club sent Valentines to the veterans who live at the Hampton VA Medical Center. Shown here delivering the Valentines are, from left, Sandy Ambrose, Nancy Katsuki,…
Second-quarter honor rolls announced (2/12/2025) - In Gloucester Page Middle School Page Middle School has released its honor rolls for the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year. Students receiving all As during the marking period…
Mathews murder case subject of TV show Sunday (2/12/2025) - Jonathan Thomas Moore, who was convicted in 2022 of the murder of his parents, Adam and Melissa Moore, in their home in the Bavon area of Mathews, is the subject…
LeDoux’s contributions to investigative journalism recognized (2/12/2025) - The late reporter Burton LeDoux hastily moved to his wife’s ancestral home in Mathews County in 1949 and led a quiet life there until his death in October of 1979…
mathews Eric Beckley and his 40 gallon breeder tank Beckley enjoys challenging hobby of saltwater aquariums (2/12/2025) - Most of the time, Eric Beckley can be found working at the family business, Wroten Oil Company, which has been serving local residents since 1954. When he’s not there, he…
Population up slightly in Gloucester, down in Mathews (2/12/2025) - Gloucester County is growing in population, slowly, and Mathews County is decreasing, according to 2024 estimates released Jan. 27. The Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, a department of the…

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