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Coping Techniques for Caregivers offered next month (3/8/2023) - Caring for an aging family member can be stressful, and often that weighs heavy on the caregiver. Commonwealth Senior Living at Gloucester House will hold a free presentation next month…
TOGA to hold talk about growing oysters in Deltaville (3/8/2023) - The Tidewater Oyster Gardeners Association will share a wealth of information about oysters and their importance to the health of the Chesapeake Bay during “Chesapeake Bay Oysters and Raising Your…
Jefferson Lab to hold ‘Scientist Walks into a Bar’ program (3/8/2023) - The Jefferson Lab will hold its second “Scientist Walks into a Bar,” a free program for the public, from 6-7:30 p.m. next Thursday, March 16, at Tradition Brewing Company, 700…
mathews judy ward scholarship benefit Concert Sunday to benefit Judy Ward Scholarship Fund (3/8/2023) - A concert to benefit the Judy Ward Scholarship Fund will be held at 7 p.m. this Sunday, March 12, at Gwynn’s Island Baptist Church. Award-winning Americana musician Kim Person will…
Nuttall’s chef focus of next Movie Night at Mathews Museum (3/8/2023) - “Journey on the Chesapeake, the Way Back Home” will be shown Friday for Movie Night at the Mathews Historical Museum, 200 Main Street. Doors open at 6:30 and the movie…
gloucester daffodil arranging Flower workshop to be held during festival (3/8/2023) - Children ages 6-13 are invited to take part in a free flower-arranging workshop from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 1, at Arts on Main during that weekend’s…
Coming Events (3/8/2023) - THURSDAY CLEAN AND GREEN: The Gloucester County Clean and Green Advisory Committee will meet at 5 p.m. today, Thursday, March 9, in the Stewart Building. FRIDAY MOVIE NIGHT: Mathews Historical…
Library to hold history program next Thursday (3/8/2023) - Gloucester Library, Main Street Center location, will hold a program about the battle between the CSS Virginia vs. USS Monitor at 6 p.m. next Thursday, March 16. The program will…

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