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Coming Events (2/26/2025) - THURSDAY SOCIAL SERVICES: The Gloucester Social Services Board will meet at 7:30 this morning, Thursday, Feb. 27, at 6641 Short Lane, Gloucester. The meeting was rescheduled from last Thursday because…
Backyard composting reaps ecological rewards (2/26/2025) - Cultivating the decay of kitchen scraps, yard cuttings, dead leaves and crumpled napkins destined for landfills infuses landscapes with new life. A well-managed compost pile promotes decomposition of those organic…
arts page ms matilda 2 ‘Matilda Jr.’ (2/26/2025) - Page Middle School students rehearse for their upcoming production of “Matilda Jr.,” to be performed at 7 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday at Mathews High School. The venue is…
arts bay school idioms in art ducks in a row ‘Idioms in Art’ exhibit opens Friday at Bay School (2/26/2025) - “Idioms in Art,” a Bay School Community Arts Center exhibit, opens with a reception from 5-7 p.m. Friday in the Art Speaks Gallery on Main Street in Mathews. Participating artists…
arts nn orchestra symphony in c NNO to feature works of 18th century composer (2/26/2025) - The Northern Neck Orchestra will perform the works of 18th century composer Marianna Martines’ “Symphony in C” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Lancaster Elementary School Theater, 191 School Street, Kilmarnock.…
arts tag exhibit aquatic reverie painting marsh sentinel Reception Friday at TAG (2/26/2025) - Aquatic Reverie, an exhibit by experimental artist Ronda Rotz, will open with a reception from 6:30-7 p.m. Friday at the Tappahannock Artists Guild, 200 Prince Street, Tappahannock. The opening is…
Blessing of the Ground Sunday at Rosewell (2/26/2025) - A ceremony of sorrow and rejoicing will be offered at Rosewell Plantation at 3 p.m. Sunday to consecrate the site where a Remembrance Structure will be built to recognize those…
Campgrounds at Machicomoco reopen March 7 (2/26/2025) - The first day of spring is March 20, but you don’t have to wait until then to spring out of the house and march over to Machicomoco State Park. The…
Dine to Donate next Thursday at Howard-Dooley Café (2/26/2025) - The Gwynn’s Island Civic League Foundation will host its first Dine to Donate of 2025 next Thursday, March 6, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Howard-Dooley Café, 9303 Buckley…
Mathews Museum to hold corned beef and cabbage dinner (2/26/2025) - The Gwynn’s Island Civic League Foundation will host its first Dine to Donate of 2025 next Thursday, March 6, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Howard-Dooley Café, 9303 Buckley…
Clean Gloucester Day to be held March 28-29 (2/26/2025) - Gloucester Clean Community will hold the 15th annual Spring Clean Gloucester Day March 28 and 29. Last year, the event had nearly 400 participants. According to a release from Clean…
Gloucester Public Library to hold programs on ‘Farming Healthy’; suffragette movement (2/26/2025) - Gloucester County Public Library, Main Street Center, will hold programs on “Farming Healthy” and “Valiant Women of the Vote” next month. On Wednesday, March 12, Jean Howard from CA &…
Hearing set to amend Mathews County budget (2/26/2025) - The Mathews Board of Supervisors has scheduled a public hearing for 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, to consider adding $863,321 to the current budget that would allow the county…
Gloucester Restaurant Week begins Monday (2/26/2025) - Gloucester Restaurant Week, a celebration of the county’s dining scene, will be held next week at a number of participating restaurants. Presented by Visit Gloucester, VA and Gloucester County Economic…
Vendors sought for boat show/flea market (2/26/2025) - The Northern Neck Sail & Power Squadron is accepting booth applications for its fourth annual 2025 Spring Boat Show & Flea Market. The event will be held on Saturday, April…
York County Restaurant Week underway (2/26/2025) - York County is in the midst of its second annual Restaurant Week, which began Monday and continues through Sunday. During this week, patrons will be able to enjoy a variety…
Events Feb. 20-27 (2/19/2025) - THURSDAY SOCIAL SERVICES: The Gloucester Social Services Board will meet at 7:30 this morning, Thursday, Feb. 20, at 6641 Short Lane, Gloucester. REPUBLICANS: The Gloucester County Republican Committee will meet…
Weighted Angels seeks volunteers for March 1 stuffing party (2/19/2025) - Weighted Angels, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss, is kicking off 2025 with a stuffing party on Saturday, March 1, and is asking volunteers to…
neighbors great decisions Great Decisions group examines war in Gaza (2/19/2025) - The Deltaville Great Decisions group will take a look at the crisis in the Middle East and American policy in the region when it meets next week. Dr. Crystal Shelton…
neighbors NNO NNO to hold concert on March 1 (2/19/2025) - The Northern Neck Orchestra will perform works by George Frideric Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach, and pioneering composer Marianna Martines on Saturday, March 1, at the Lancaster Elementary School Theater, 191…
point fourth friday GHA to hold program on First Morning Star Baptist (2/19/2025) - The Guinea Heritage Association’s Fourth Friday program for February honors Black History Month. The Friday, Feb. 28 program will feature the Rev. Larry Arrington, pastor of First Morning Star Baptist…
Acts for 2025 Music in the Park series announced (2/19/2025) - The Friends of Machicomoco State Park will hold its 2025 Music in the Park series with concerts in the spring and fall at the Hayes park. In partnership with Virginia…
Supervisors’ meeting postponed until Feb. 27 (2/19/2025) - The Mathews County Board of Supervisors’ monthly meeting, originally scheduled for tonight, has been postponed until the following Thursday, Feb. 27, at 6 p.m. in the historic courthouse on Court…
mathews boat virginia Boat Virginia class to be held on March 29 (2/19/2025) - U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 66 instructors will conduct a free Boat Virginia class from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 29. The class will be held at…
Chili When It’s Chilly to be held Saturday (2/19/2025) - Chili When It’s Chilly, an annual fundraiser of the West Mathews Community League, will be held from 4-6 p.m. Saturday at the league building, the 1913 former Peninsula Schoolhouse, at…

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