Sad news from the Island (3/26/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, March 24, 1910from the Mathews Journal The Gwynn community was surprised and grieved on last Wednesday evening to hear of the death of Mrs. Wilbur Godsey. She… …

Signpine fundraiser clears $19 (3/19/2025) - 100 YEARS AGOThursday, March 19, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette In Signpine news, the Box Party and general frolic given by the League on Friday, March 13, proved quite a success… …

Church happenings in Gloucester (3/12/2025) - 100 YEARS AGOThursday, March 12, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette ]There will be a Silver Tea for the benefit of Section B, Ware Church, at the home of Mrs. J.M. Lewis… …

Snow and ice still around (3/5/2025) - 100 YEARS AGOThursday, March 5, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette Glass correspondent reports: Winter is surely making us understand that her work is not over yet. March winds are usually dreaded… …

School year coming to an endin the Haven community (2/26/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 24, 1910from the Mathews Journal Moon correspondent reports: We are sorry to say the Haven School will soon close. The teachers and pupils are busy practicing… …

Fishermen taking advantage of clear weather to set their stakes (2/19/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 17, 1910from the Mathews Journal In the Susan neighborhood, we are now having clear, cold weather with westwardly winds and low tides; a very good prospect… …

Bright days at Mobjack (2/5/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 3, 1910from the Mathews Journal Everything is going on smoothly and quietly at Mobjack, where the sun shines brighter in winter, and the breezes blow cooler… …

Temperance message, other news (1/29/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 27, 1910from the Mathews Journal Laban correspondent reports, Capt. B.H. Hurst is spending several weeks with his people. We are sorry to report little Verta Brownley… …

Business man gets a phone (1/22/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 20, 1910from the Mathews Journal Notice: Having installed a telephone in my own home, I wish to request that persons having business with me, call me… …