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Days Past

lore and legend first traffic day coleman 1952 Father, son, Coleman Bridge (3/26/2025) - The George P. Coleman Memorial Bridge across the York River opened to traffic May 7, 1952. It was billed as the world’s largest swing-span bridge. Flying overhead to photograph the…
glimpses ghs basketball 1954 Big team (3/26/2025) - This photo is for some of our senior citizens, and their children and grandchildren. The 1953-54 basketball team at Gloucester High School had a record number of players, more than…
Sad news from the Island (3/26/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, March 24, 1910from the Mathews Journal The Gwynn community was surprised and grieved on last Wednesday evening to hear of the death of Mrs. Wilbur Godsey. She…
glimpses edit New sounds (3/19/2025) - Spring of 1958 brought a new band to the music scene in Mathews: “Mac” McKenney’s Hi-Fi Ork, a dance band led by Thomas Hunter High School teacher M.A. McKenney Sr.…
Signpine fundraiser clears $19 (3/19/2025) - 100 YEARS AGOThursday, March 19, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette In Signpine news, the Box Party and general frolic given by the League on Friday, March 13, proved quite a success…
Nick and Mary Mathews opened Yorktown lunch counter in 1944 Yorktown museum honors beloved restaurateurs in exhibit (3/12/2025) - An exhibit that opened Saturday at the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown honors the lives and philanthropy of the late Nick and Mary Mathews, beloved York-town restaurateurs. Timed just before…
glimpses 2015 guinea dipping Guinea Dipping (3/12/2025) - Thirty-seven brave souls jumped into the chilly waters of the York River in March 2015 to take part in the second annual Gloucester Rowing Association Guinea Dipping. Thirty-two Gloucester High…
Church happenings in Gloucester (3/12/2025) - 100 YEARS AGOThursday, March 12, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette ]There will be a Silver Tea for the benefit of Section B, Ware Church, at the home of Mrs. J.M. Lewis…
glimpses MATHEWS main street ash wed storm 3-7-62 Ash Wednesday storm (3/5/2025) - A northeast storm that caused widespread flooding and destruction on the East Coast brought its high waters to this part of Virginia on March 7, 1962—which was Ash Wednesday that…
Snow and ice still around (3/5/2025) - 100 YEARS AGOThursday, March 5, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette Glass correspondent reports: Winter is surely making us understand that her work is not over yet. March winds are usually dreaded…
edit daffodil field006 It won’t be long (2/26/2025) - To cheer everyone up, we found this beautiful photo found in an envelope from our files dated 1942. Daffodils are cheery in any form. With the end of winter finally…
School year coming to an endin the Haven community (2/26/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 24, 1910from the Mathews Journal Moon correspondent reports: We are sorry to say the Haven School will soon close. The teachers and pupils are busy practicing…
glimpses left039 New design (2/26/2025) - Roger Moorman of Gloucester builds a mold and shows the hull design in February 1955 for the 17-foot sailboat “Mobjack,” which began production the next year and remained a popular…
glimpses odyssey of the mind State champions (2/19/2025) - Achilles Elementary School’s 1987 Odyssey of the Mind team won first place in its division of the state competition, which was held at Old Dominion University. Odyssey of the Mind…
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA New look (2/19/2025) - Mathews treasurer Judy Burroughs, second from left, and deputy treasurers, from left, Judy Lowe, Vicky Pruitt and Carol Ann Byrns, came up with a new design for vehicle decals for…
Fishermen taking advantage of clear weather to set their stakes (2/19/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 17, 1910from the Mathews Journal In the Susan neighborhood, we are now having clear, cold weather with westwardly winds and low tides; a very good prospect…
glimpses pix Lobbying the General Assembly (2/12/2025) - These members of the Garden Club of Gloucester joined other representatives of the Garden Club of Virginia in Richmond on Jan. 23, 1986, to support legislation in the General Assembly…
judge garnett edit Local judge dies of blood poisoning (2/12/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 10, 1910from the Mathews Journal The death of Judge Griffin Taylor Garnett of Poplar Grove was a sad blow to the county. His death was due…
glimpses mathews militia Mathews militiamen (2/5/2025) - Members of the Virginia Reserve Militia in Mathews during World War II included, front row from left, Lt. Earl Hudgins, Capt. George E. Treakle, Lt. Clyde Wilkins; second row, not…
Bright days at Mobjack (2/5/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 3, 1910from the Mathews Journal Everything is going on smoothly and quietly at Mobjack, where the sun shines brighter in winter, and the breezes blow cooler…
glimpses glo ross house 1968 Main Street buildings of the past (1/29/2025) - Day-to-day views of our hometowns change very little, but the sweep of years brings new buildings and new vistas. On Gloucester’s Main Street, the circa 1800s Ross House, photo above,…
Temperance message, other news (1/29/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 27, 1910from the Mathews Journal Laban correspondent reports, Capt. B.H. Hurst is spending several weeks with his people. We are sorry to report little Verta Brownley…
glimpses isabella rossellini Lights, camera, action (1/22/2025) - In the summer of 1987, Gloucester’s normally peaceful White Marsh Plantation was bustling with activity as a major motion production was filmed there. The movie was originally titled “Phoebe” but…
Business man gets a phone (1/22/2025) - 115 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 20, 1910from the Mathews Journal Notice: Having installed a telephone in my own home, I wish to request that persons having business with me, call me…
glimpses left020 Planning observance (1/15/2025) - Planning began in January 1995 for Gloucester County’s African-American History Month in February. Committee members, from left, were Lucille Madison, Dorothy Cooke, Stanley McMullen and James Davis.

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