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Church News

Services and specials announced by local churches (2/26/2025) - Services and other activities in churches this week include the following: Abingdon Episcopal Abingdon Episcopal Church, White Marsh, will have Sunday services at 8 and 10:30 a.m. At 9:30, Sunday…
lore and legend providence baptist Thomas Hunter School (2) Small church had lasting impact on education in Mathews (2/26/2025) - A small church that vanished long ago nevertheless had a lasting impact upon education in Mathews County. Providence Baptist Church was organized in 1901 by 76 persons dismissed in good…
church mathews chapel New members (2/26/2025) - The Rev. Angeline M. Hoen, pastor of Mathews Chapel United Methodist Church, Cobbs Creek, welcomes Karen and Gil Goode into church membership on Sunday.
Services and specials announced by local churches (2/19/2025) - Services and other activities in churches this week include the following: Antioch Baptist The Rev. Desmond Smith of Emmaus Baptist Church, North, will preach at 11 a.m. Sunday in Antioch…
church diggs Rev. Diggs receives President’s Lifetime Achievement Award (2/19/2025) - The Rev. Dr. Robert A. Diggs Sr., Mathews County native and pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Petersburg, has received the 2025 President’s Lifetime Achievement Award signed by President Joe…
arts at abingdon tabajdi Performance of Hungarian organist postponed to March 2 (2/19/2025) - A concert by organist Ádám Tabajdi of Hungary that was scheduled for tonight in the Arts at Abingdon concert series has been rescheduled for 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 2,…
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Churches in the snow (2/19/2025) - After several years of mild winters, we are experiencing a rather cold and snowy season in 2025. We looked back in the files for other years that snowfall changed the…
Services and specials announced by local churches (2/12/2025) - Services and other activities in churches this week include the following: Abingdon Episcopal Abingdon Episcopal Church, White Marsh, will hold worship services at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday. The Gospel…
church mathews chapel Mathews Chapel leaders (2/12/2025) - Mathews Chapel United Methodist Church, Cobbs Creek, commissioned the following church leaders on Jan. 26, from left, Barbara McGlohn, Nancy Katsuki, Adam Callis, Leonard Callis, Jay Young, Lydia Connelly, Debbie…
Celtic service Sunday at Kingston (2/12/2025) - Kingston Episcopal Parish Chapel, Mathews, will hold a Celtic service at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Strings & Things Quartet will play traditional Celtic music throughout the service. In addition to music…
church women's conference Connect Women’s Ministry to host conference (2/12/2025) - The Connect Women’s Ministry of Tappahannock will host the “Rise Up Women of God” Women’s Conference on Saturday, March 15, at Essex High School, 833 High School Circle, Tappahannock. The…
Services and specials announced by local churches (2/5/2025) - Services and other activities in churches this week include the following: Abingdon Episcopal Abingdon Episcopal Church, White Marsh, will hold worship services at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday. The Gospel…
church bethany Bethany holds Mission Sunday Celebration (2/5/2025) - Bethany United Methodist Church, Gloucester Point, recently held a Mission Sunday Celebration to distribute funds to 25 charitable organizations. The funds were raised from a bazaar held in November 2024…
Songs, Salads, Soups and Sweets (2/5/2025) - The Mission and Evangelism Team of Central United Methodist Church, Mathews, is again sponsoring the Songs, Salads, Soups and Sweets (4S) program at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 16. Among…
Abingdon Episcopal boosts scholarship amount (2/5/2025) - The Abingdon Episcopal Church Robert Pollock Memorial Scholarship Committee has announced that it will award a $3,000 scholarship this year, an increase of $1,000 from last year. The scholarship will…
church bethel New members (2/5/2025) - Seven new members were welcomed into Bethel Church of Mathews in a special ceremony led by Administrative Council Chairman John Foster on Sunday. Shown here, from left, are new members…
Services and specials announced by local churches (1/29/2025) - Services and other activities in churches this week include the following: Abingdon Episcopal Abingdon Episcopal Church, White Marsh, will hold Sunday services at 8 and 10:30 a.m. At 9:30, Sunday…
church unity service 1 Christian unity service (1/29/2025) - Congregations from across Gloucester County came together on Thursday, Jan. 23, for an ecumenical worship service in observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity hosted by The Church…
church clothes closet Helping out at the Clothes Closet (1/29/2025) - Members of the Church of St. Therese Youth Group and parents spent two hours on Saturday, Jan. 18, helping at Newington Baptist Church’s Clothes Closet. The Clothes Closet offers free…
church housing issue Rev. Diggs’s experiences basis for affordable housing bill (1/22/2025) - The experiences of the Rev. Robert Diggs, pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Petersburg, are a basis for House Bill 2153 now before the Virginia General Assembly. Diggs, a native…
Services and specials announced by local churches (1/15/2025) - Services and other activities in churches this week include the following: Angel Visit Baptist Church Angel Visit Baptist Church of Dunnsville, will hold its 36th annual Essex County Community Celebration…
gloucester four chaplains Four Chaplains service to be held in Gloucester Feb. 1 (1/15/2025) - American Legion Post 75, Gloucester, will host a Four Chaplains Service beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1 at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, 6470 Main Street, Gloucester. Jesse Hill,…
Jubilee Churches to hold Unity Service (1/15/2025) - The Jubilee Churches of Gloucester will hold a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Worship Service at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 23, at The Church of St. Therese Roman…
Celtic service Sunday at Kingston (1/15/2025) - Kingston Episcopal Parish, Mathews, will hold its first Celtic service of 2025 at 5:30 p.m. Sunday at the Kingston Parish Chapel. This candlelight service with music, the Holy Eucharist, and…
Services and specials announced by local churches (1/8/2025) - Services and other activities in churches this week include the following: Abingdon Episcopal Abingdon Episcopal Church, White Marsh, will hold Sunday services at 8 and 10:30 a.m. At 9:30, Sunday…

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