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Newport News firm signs on to market Gloucester Business Park

A commercial real estate company has signed a one-year agreement to market the Gloucester Business Park at White Marsh.
Sherry Spring, Gloucester’s director of economic development, said that Newport News-based Campana Waltz will assist in the marketing and recruitment of new businesses into the park this year.
Campana Waltz will be paid a commission for any property it sells in the park, Spring said. There are six parcels of land totaling approximately 16 acres which are available for purchase, she said. She expects smaller companies will find those lots suitable for their purposes.
“It is a priority for us to recruit new businesses to get the parcels on the tax rolls for new capital investment and job creation,” Spring wrote in a Feb. 3 memorandum to County Administrator J. Brent Fedors.
The Gloucester Economic Development Authority is excited about this initiative with Campana Waltz, she said, and are “optimistic that we can get at least one new business in t...

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