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New Point man installs 17 hp engine in boat

115 YEARS AGOThursday, Oct. 14, 1909from the Mathews Journal
Mr. Monroe Hutson of New Point has recently purchased a 17 horse power Oriole engine, to be installed in boat for fishing. This is the second Oriole engine which Mr. Hutson now owns, the other being a 14 horse power.We have just received a swell line of Ladies and Misses cloaks in black and tan, also a line of boys’ suits containing some extra good values. Come and see them. – Wyatt Wolffe
110 YEARS AGOThursday, Oct. 15, 1914from the Mathews Journal
Mr. J.B. Bennett is loading a vessel with lumber on Put-In Creek.
Judge and Mrs. A.T. Streetor are spending some time at their farm near Williams Wharf.
Miss V.S. Shepherd had accepted the principalship of the Peninsula school and already entered upon her duties.Ad from Mathews Grocery: To arrive on Friday’s boat for Friday’s and Saturday’s market: fresh beef, pork, chops, frankfurters, breakfast bacon, picnic and genuine hams, fresh bread, bananas, oranges and lemons, and on hand...

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