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New Mobi-mat makes Haven Beach more accessible

The Mathews Visitor and Information Center held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Tuesday to commemorate the installation of a Mobi-mat at Haven Beach in Diggs.
The five-foot wide, semi-rigid mat has made the beach accessible for people with mobility issues, including those in wheelchairs, those who use walkers, and parents with children in strollers.
MCVIC members Buz and Tammy Rollins saw the need for such a feature at the beach after getting a call from someone who asked if there were any wheelchair-accessible beaches in the county. They said they were upset about having to say “no” and launched a fundraising effort in May to raise the money for the mat. Donations rolled in, and before long they had the needed $7,000+ in hand.
The mat was delivered a couple of weeks ago, and Buz Rollins was able to get it installed with the help of Mathews County Facilities and Grounds Manager Tim Tillage and Maintenance Supervisor Jason Hudgins.
On Tuesday, the parking lot at the beach was packed with cars...

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