Mathews County Public Schools held its New Employee Orientation Monday morning, welcoming 22 new employees at an assembly held at the Brooks Auditorium at Thomas Hunter Middle School. School board chairman Desmond Smith and superintendent of schools Nancy Welch made brief remarks, with Pam Hudgins, gifted and federal programs coordinator, discussing the new teacher mentor program. The new employees also got a chance to meet other members of the division’s leadership team and school board members Bobby Dobson and Lorraine Forrest. New employees for the 2022-2023 school year are, top row from left, Ashton DeNio, Vincent Robinson Jr., Jessica McClaire, Mark Givens, Jeremy Clark, Anjanette O’Beirne, Josh Grein, Charles Crabtree; middle row, Vanessa Dustin, Kristen Gayle, Lindsey Dalton, Erin Hockenberry, Jennifer Doss, Lindsay Edwards, Pamela Parks; bottom row, Jodi Bundy, Leigh Ann Rivera, Samantha Hudgins, Amy Coates and, not pictured, Wayman Davis, Christina Cooke and Carter Vrooman.
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