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Mushroom man has plans for growth

Did you know that those delicious mushrooms you just enjoyed are not technically a plant? Although they are usually considered a part of the vegetable group when buying or ordering at a restaurant, they are not vegetables, based on their cellular organization and composition. Mushrooms are fungi, the fruiting bodies of a much larger underground fungus.
France began the cultivation of mushrooms in the 17th century; their horticulture history started in this country around 1900.
Mushrooms are grown commercially in almost every state. Just off the East River we find “Mush Love in Mathews Virginia.” Christian Brown is the proud developer. “It is my passion,” he is quick to say. “My love for nature and outdoors started as a Boy Scout.” But following his service in the Army, Christian realized 9 to 5 jobs were not for him.
I love being and working outdoors, just being with nature.”
Buying a home in 2020 situated almost in the middle of a forest, Christian began reading and studying about mu...

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