The Mathews Outdoor Club recently announced its 2025 event lineup, offering outdoor enthusiasts of all levels the chance to engage in fitness and adventure across Mathews County.
Speaking for MOC, Christine Johnson said the season begins May 17 with the Tour de Chesapeake bike ride.The second event will be the third annual Islander Regatta paddling adventure on Saturday, June 28, which invites participants to circumnavigate Gwynn’s Island.
On Aug. 16, MOC will host the Wharf to Wharf Swim, a one-mile open water swim, offering an challenge for swimmers of all abilities.
The season will wrap up on Oct. 18 with the Mathews Marathon, Half Marathon and Relay, where runners will traverse the scenic routes of Mathews County.
MOC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing outdoor fitness opportunities, Johnson said, and invites both residents and visitors to participate in these events. “These events not only foster a love for outdoor activities but also help support the organization’s...
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