Mathews High School members of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and SkillsUSA attended FCCLA Day at the State Fair of Virginia on Sept. 27. More than 40 members, chaperones, and the adviser Cynthia Hayes experienced a day filled with educational and leadership opportunities.
Members could participate in three FCCLA contests—poster, wear-accessories, and wear-clothing. FCCLA state officers judged the projects based on originality, creativity, and neatness. Each participant received a ribbon for his or her entry and the top winners in the 6th-9th grade and the 10th-12th grade categories received trophies.
Students who participated in FCCLA wear contests created an item that could be worn or used as an accessory to an outfit that promotes FCCLA. Members were encouraged to use recycled materials.
Lacie Dunson, Sydney Dobson, Cora Ewell, Yolanda Fells, Taylor Locey and Caitlyn Painter from Mathews High School participated in this event.
Two members of Mathew...
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