Judy Ward of Gwynn’s Island, who died last June following a prolonged battle with cancer, touched many lives in her 65 years—from her friends and family, to her fellow volunteers on the county’s rescue squad, co-workers at the Mathews County Sheriff’s Office, and the fans of her music.
And now some of those friends are coming together to help others in Ward’s memory.
The Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad, for which she volunteered for nearly a quarter of a century, has chosen to honor her memory by establishing a scholarship in her name. Co-workers at the sheriff’s office, where Ward worked as a dispatcher, contributed to the scholarship this year rather than exchanging Christmas gifts with each other.
The Judy Ward Scholarship will be awarded annually beginning this year to a graduating Mathews High School senior who has demonstrated proficiency in or a love for music and who plans to pursue at least a minor in music at the college level. The m...
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