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MHS recognized by state for graduation rate increase

Mathews High School is one of only 27 schools from across the commonwealth to receive the 2023-2024 Virginia Board of Education’s Continuous Improvement Award, the division announced last week.
“We are incredibly fortunate to have such an amazing team of school counselors in our counseling office, as well as outstanding teachers who truly go the extra mile every single day to ensure student success,” said MHS principal Dr. Drew Greve, after learning of the recognition.
Mathews High received this honor based on its increase in the school’s Graduation and Completion Index (GCI) for the past three years (2018-2019, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023) with a total increase across the three years of 4 percent or more; as well as a decrease in the dropout rate for those years, with the total reduction across three years of 15 percent or more of the first year’s dropout rate.
“Mathews High School has wonderful and hard-working students who have a wide variety of interests and post-secondary plans,” said...

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