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MHS crew gets Williams Wharf ready for upcoming season

Members of the 2022 Mathews High School crew and their sponsors from the Mobjack Rowing Association gathered Saturday at the rowing facility at Williams Wharf Landing to clear brush and overgrowth, set up equipment and prepare for the season.
Parents also helped, with pickup trucks hauling off four truckloads of limbs, brush trimmings and other debris. “This was a great conclusion of our first week of practice,” said head coach Jon Lothian. “The varsity helped guide our new rowers on good teamwork practices and we made short work of the task.”
In addition to the cleanup, team members brought $600 in donations they gathered for the Mobjack Rowing Association’s Twin Docks Fund Drive, initiated in the beginning of February.
The goal is to raise the $225,000 needed to purchase and install the boathouse dock system, which is required as the first step in getting construction of the unfinished building at Williams Wharf back underway.
MRA president Tim Ulsaker, who also present at the cleanu...

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