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Merchants invited to participate in Shop Local Day

Shop Local Day will be held Saturday, May 3, in Gloucester and Mathews.
Sponsored by Chesapeake Bank, the Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce, and Mathews County businesses, the special day is intended to emphasize the importance of shopping in our counties instead of in nearby communities.
One study said local business generates 70 percent more local economic activity per square foot than big box retail, said Chamber executive director Makalia Records.
Another report shows that “shopping locally cuts down on processing, packaging and transportation waste, leading to less pollution,” a chamber bulletin said.
Overall, buying local is a chance to support talented local artisans and small business owners, Records said.
Participating Shop Local Day merchants may pick up their bags, decals and tent cards at the chamber’s Business After Hours tonight at VersAbility, the former Arc Puller Center, in Gloucester.
Merchants who wish to participate in the promotion can call th...

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