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Mehta, Cao to oppose Wittman, Kaine in November

The November ballot is essentially set following Tuesday, June 18 primary elections in Gloucester, Mathews and the rest of the commonwealth, with voters deciding the Democratic candidate for the 1st Congressional District and the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.

Leslie Mehta and Hung Cao both won their primaries in convincing fashion, with Mehta to oppose incumbent Republican Rob Wittman for the 1st CD seat and Cao set to go up against incumbent Democrat Sen. Tim Kaine this fall.

While the top of the ballot has yet to be official (with the two major parties holding their national conventions in July and August), for all intents and purposes the 2024 presidential election promises to be a rematch of 2020, with Democrat Joe Biden opposed by Republican Donald Trump.

1st CD primary

Mehta, a resident of Chesterfield and former lead attorney with the Virginia ALCU, received 66.3 percent of the vote in the district, with Herb Jones (who ran for the seat in 2022, receiving 43...

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