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Meals on Wheels box lunch fundraiser to be held Aug. 22

The Mathews Meals on Wheels program will hold its box lunch fundraiser on Thursday, Aug. 22.
The meal, consisting of chicken salad, broccoli salad, pasta salad and homemade chocolate pound cake, is available for $14. The meals will be delivered to businesses in Mathews and Gloucester.
Individuals can pick up meals at the bus loop at Mathews High School. There will be someone on the loop with a refrigerated cooler to pass out the meals between 10:30 a.m. and noon. Call or text your order to Nelda Gibbs at 804-695-6659.
If someone would like to support the event and are not going to be in town, Gibbs can also take orders and find a home for the meal. Often, people will give Gibbs the name of a neighbor or friend that may need a meal and if they give her an address, she will see that it is delivered. Funds raised will be used to supplement the county’s Meals on Wheels program, which serves approximately 600 meals a week, averaging between 120 and 130 per day.
“We have dedicated August 22n...

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