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MCF funds help transform middle school library

Over the past four years, Thomas Hunter Middle School librarian Jenny Ewell has been able to transform the school’s library from a dark place to a vibrant, beautiful learning environment, thanks to the support of the Mathews Community Foundation.
During that time, MCF has awarded Ewell several grants, allowing her to reinvent the library that serves the THMS students.
She used every cent of those grant awards frugally, according to a release from the MCF. With the help of her family, after a few walls were removed by maintenance, she set about converting the space into a “warm, welcoming and peaceful place for students.”
Ewell used grant funds to purchase new bookshelves, paint for the walls, rugs, furniture and books, and has created an environment where students feel free to be comfortable. She emphasizes to her students that when they enter the library doors, they are to leave what is bothering them behind. The environment that she has created is a place where even adults feel calm ...

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