Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad has launched a new initiative aimed at saving lives—the Yellow Dot Program.
The program, which originated in Alabama, consists of a brochure with an attached photo and pertinent medical information about an individual. The brochure is kept in the glove box of a person’s vehicle in case of an emergency, and a yellow dot is placed on the rear window to alert emergency personnel that it’s there.
There’s space in the brochure for emergency contact information, medical history, allergies, medications, physicians’ names and contact numbers, hospital preference, and any additional information that might be useful in an emergency.
There’s even a place to include the names of any children who might need to be picked up from school or daycare and any pets that might be at home.
Ron Lambert, chair of the MVRS board of directors, said the squad is always looking for ways to help people. Squad members had been concerned th...
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