Money for downtown revitalization is available through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, and Mathews Main Street Inc. and the county’s planning and zoning department are teaming up to go after it.
Bette Dillehay, chair of Mathews Main Street; John Shaw, planning and zoning director; and Steve Whiteway, county administrator, have been in contact with the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, and they’ve received the go-ahead to find out what Mathews residents want and to determine if there is a viable project for the area.
The county is holding a meeting to provide residents with information about their efforts to obtain a grant and to receive comments at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 13 in the John Warren Cooke room at Mathews Memorial Library.
According to a press release, Mathews Main Street and the planning department intend to apply for a planning grant under the Virginia Community Development Block Grant program for a po...
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