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Mathews schools holds legislative tour

Del. Keith Hodges (R-Urbanna) and representatives from the offices of U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Virginia) and Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Montross) joined Mathews County School Board members last Thursday morning on a legislative tour of Thomas Hunter Middle School.
The school board was represented by chairman Linda Hodges and member John Priest, as well as the newly elected member Bobby Dobson, who takes office in January. A delegation of six Mathews NAACP members, led by president Edith Turner, was also in attendance.
Although both current and newly elected members of the Mathews County Board of Supervisors had been invited, none were in attendance.
While some of the tour was specific to the county’s middle school—showcasing the ongoing work of reconfiguring the THMS library and the planned addition of HVAC for the entire school, including the hallways and gymnasium, as well as a new middle school robotics program—some of the items discussed applied to the entire school division and beyond, i...

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